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Sculptural Face Lifting 

More and more people now are realizing that having stiff facial muscles can cause unhealthy blood flow and poor lymphatic circulation.This means that our tissues do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen to start a rejuvenation process thus resulting in inadequate detoxification in the system. The result of that is often a puffiness, and drooping of the cheeks due to the weight of water retention. That’s where a sculptural face lift massage comes in.


 As a result, facial muscles deeply relax, and its tone returns to normal. The spasms are released which in return restores the natural posture of the face, making it look younger, healthier and more vibrant. Appearance, tone, and elasticity of the skin improves via improved blood circulation, stimulating cell regeneration. 
The Sculptural Face Lifting Technique amplifies the internal resources of the body to natural rejuvenation. It rejuvenates and decreases signs of aging, sagging cheeks, double chin, puffy eyes, dropping down the corners of the mouth etc. and improves face skin in general.This procedure supports tightening and strengthening of all neck and facial muscles. In addition, it helps to normalize emotional state of the person being worked on by releasing inner blockages, anxiety and stress. The skin begins to glow. The face appears naturally younger and more sculptured. 
This technique also focuses on intra-oral work otherwise known as Buccal technique which specifically targets the drooping of the jowls (the lower region of the chin).Intraoral massage, is a technique that works the muscles, ligaments, and lymph from the inside of the mouth. Intra-oral work releases the tension from inside the mouth that causes tightness in your jaw and nasal passages.
  • Makes you look younger
  • Restores elasticity and tightens of the skin
  • Reduces wrinkles 
  • Stimulates tissue nourishment and skin regeneration⁠
  • Relaxes and tones muscles of the face
  • Lifts up sagging corners of the mouth, “bulldog cheeks”
  • Smoothes wrinkles on the forehead and around eyes, “crow’s feet”
  • Eliminates puffiness and dark circles under the eyes
  • Helps rehabilitation of the face muscles after stroke
  • Improves release of sinus pressure 
  • Stimulates lymphatic drainage⁠ and detox
  • Eliminates spasms and blockages 
  • Releases emotions and  stagnant facial expressions  
  • Great for release of pain and stiffness in a jaw (TMJ) 
  • Reduces deep folds and double chin
  • Reverses and prevents face aging
Duration of the session - 60 min.

Recommended course:

Minimum of 8-10 (max 12 ) sessions 
Once per week for women 
Twice per week for men
Maintenance -suggested to have one sculptural face lift per month
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